If you represent or own a financial firm, you cannot afford not to contract IT and cyber security services because:
- There is a growing security risk in the financial sector, and the average total cost of a data breach is over $7 million.
- When a breach occurs, the financial industry has the highest loss of customers. Up to almost one third of customers leave their banks, credit unions or credit card companies after a breach.
- Six out of 10 victims of data breaches are companies with less than 1,000 employees.
- Financial records, such as your clients’ names, addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers and banking information are really valuable to hackers because this is data that usually follows a person through their whole life.
Save your reputation, money and clients’ trust, and avoid data breaches, cyber threats or any other IT system vulnerabilities.
Here is how an IT services company like EggHead IT could be relevant for your financial firm:
- Keep your software and security patches updated, through proactive monitoring and management security services.
- Secure your PCs, tablets or any device, including personal mobile devices of your employees, which store or access information about your clients or your business.
- Add multiple layers of security on your network;
- Build and use reliable systems to store, transfer or backup sensitive data;
- Develop relevant security policies on how to set and secure passwords, use personal devices for work, access and share information, etc.
- Conduct regular user training for your employees.
Contact us today to discuss the IT services you need for your business!